Lab Service

Our company LAB-SERVICE’S core business is particle size analysis.

For more 40 years, our independent family business has offered reactivity, confidentiality and advice to the chemical, pharmaceutical, food, cosmetic and other industries.

Our mission: to assist and advise you.

Our professions

Air jet Micronization

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Custom granulometry

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Our business sectors

We collaborate with different industry sectors:

Pharmaceutical Industry

Chemical Industry

Agri-food industry

Cosmetic Industry

Technicienne de laboratoire qui fait une analyse d'un produit

Our commitment to quality

Lab-Service guarantees a high management of  their quality systems for all their products and services, in order to satisfy their clients’ needs.

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Our latest news

Lab-Service SAS: expanding office and firm

        The building work started in 2023 and is now complete. Lab Service will complete the installation of two new production lines scheduled to be commissioned this summer. In this project, the FEDER and the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region are supporting the company......

Inspected by the French drug agency ANSM, the US FDA, the Japanese authorities PMDA (documented inspection). Certification FSCC 22000 and ECOCERT.